Single Premium Endowment Plan

Single Premium cialis coupons with Profit Endowment Plan.
Benefits Payable on death: On death of the Life Assured on or after the Commencement of Risk: Sum Assured along with vested Simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any, shall be payable.
Benefits Payable on death: On death of the Life Assured before the Commencement of Risk: Return of single premium excluding taxes and extra premium, if any, without interest.
Maturity Benefits: Sum Assured + Simple Reversionary Bonus + Final Additional Bonus.
Guaranteed Surrender Value: 1st Year: 70% of Single Premium excluding taxes and extra premium.
Maturity Benefits: Thereafter: 90% of Single Premium excluding taxes and extra premium.
Special Surrender Value: Discounted Value of sum assured and vested Simple Reversionary bonuses.
Loan available after completion of one year.
Eligibility Criteria
Min. Max.
Age 90 Days 65 Years
Term 10 25
Sum 50,000 No Upper Limit
Premium Modes Single
Yearly Premium For 1000000 Sum Assured
Age 15 Years 20 Years 25 Years
25 611900 515650 437500
30 612600 517350 440900
35 614300 521000 447450
40 617650 527750 458350
Plan No.

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