Star Cardiac Care Insurance Policy

The trauma of a surgery and the financial drain thereafter is best known to those who have
undergone one. Post surgery you must be certainly feeling better, but still worried.
Only Star health, the Health Insurance specialist, understands your needs better and offers a
custom made solution, just apt to ensure, you keep smiling, always.

  • Eligibilty
    Persons aged between 10 years and 65 years who have undergone any of the

    1. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) / Coronary Artery
      Bypass Graft (CABG) within 7 years period prior to proposal or
    2. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) or Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) that has been
      corrected or
    3. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) that has been treated or
    4. RF Ablation or RF Ablation done to correct the underlying cardiac condition or
    5. Had an Angiogram done but no intervention was medically found necessary.
  • Renewal: Life long
  • Coverage:
    • Section 1 : Hospitalization Cover for Accidents and Non-cardiac ailments:
    • Section 2 : Hospitalization Cover for Cardiac Ailments
    • Section 3 : Cover for Outpatient medical expenses
    • Section 4 : Personal Accident cover for Accidental Death\
  • Sum Insured Options: Rs.3,00,000/- and Rs.4,00,000/-
    (Applicable for Section 1, 2 and 3 put together)
    Personal Accident Sum Insured as per Section 4 shall be equal to Sum Insured opted.
  • Plan Options: Gold And Silver
  • Policy Benefits:
Section Gold Plan Silver Plan
1 Applicable for Accident and Noncardiac ailments. Applicable for Accident and Noncardiac ailments.
2 Applicable for Cardiac Ailments and complications. Cover available for both surgical intervention and medical management. Applicable for Cardiac Ailments and complications. Cover available only for surgical intervention.
3 Outpatient expenses in networked facility*: Rs.500/- per event subject to a maximum of Rs.1500/- per policy period. Outpatient expenses in networked facility*: Rs.500/- per event subject to a maximum of Rs.1500/- per policy period.
4 Personal Accident: Death only cover equal to chosen Sum Insured. Personal Accident : Death only cover equal to chosen Sum Insured
* Networked Facility means hospitals, daycare centers, clinics, diagnostic centers that the Company has mutually agreed with to provide medical services.

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